Monday, June 18, 2012

Activities (Free!) - Dancin' on the Avenue 2012!

With Summertime here (especially the heat), it can only mean one thing for kids and parents alike.  The return of local festivals!  One of the festivals that my wife and I have been going to for some time is the 17th annual "Dancin' on the Avenue" in Willow Glen.  This year's "DOTA" will be opening one hour earlier (3 pm) and ending one hour earlier (8 pm) than in year's past, but that is actually a good thing that I will address a little later. 

This particular festival is an annual street party that features a showcase of WG's eateries, live music stages, dancing and various kids' activities.  Specifically, The Kids' Court has been expanded for this year and it will include a petting zoo and visits from local team mascots. 

Let me start off by saying that with the weather and crowds permitting, this is a great local event.  Now for the disclaimer.  In not trying to be Debbie Downer, I would highly recommend that those of you with strollers or more than one child attend this festival as early as possible for a few reasons.  Number one, this event gets jam-packed very quickly.  I am talking crowds that make it difficult to manouver a stroller, much less navigate while holding a child's hand. 

The second reason, which I find is more stress-inducing, is the over-abundance of professional drinkers.  By no means am I knocking this event, but since my audience here consists of parents of various aged children, I will address everyone accordingly.  The good news regarding the number of fun-lovin' drinkers is the fact that the WG Business Association has for the most part, tended to this issue:

"Security will be increased at the two monitored entrances at Willow and Minnesota where IDs and purses/backpacks will be checked. No outside containers of any kind – even coffee cups – will be allowed in"

If you are travelling with small children, a suggestion is to load up the stroller with some snacks and drinks, as the lines are usually long once the early evening arrives. 

- Andrew

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